14 giugno 2009: l’anno del figurativo
Posted: June 16th, 2009 | Author: Enrico | Filed under: Diario | Tags: bocce, mister o, red tent, tenda rossa | 1 Comment »Ore 13 l’attesa apertura del padiglione Tenda Rossa per vedere le opere e all’opera i più importanti artisti contemporanei.
L’organizzazione impeccabile prevedeva un ampio buffet per gli ospiti: insalata di riso, wurstel e verza, prosciutto e melone, frutta fresca, crostata, patatine e Puff al formaggio, il tutto innaffiato da acqua e birra gelata.
E’ l’anno del figurativo: pure quattro rotoli di scotch se svolti e guardati contro luce ricordano la figura umana, o ricordano un gesto di una figura umana, o almeno un giochetto erotico fatto per ricordare l’umano David.
E dietro Mister O. un susseguirsi di tableaux vivants.
Da ricordare alcune rivisitazioni di grandi opere figurative del passato.
Il dinamismo futurista interpretato dal Guerra:
L’Urlo espressionista della Patty:
L’Ermes del Giambologna offerto da Madame Kitty:
L’asta per Mister O. è andata deserta, pur essendo la formula vantaggiosa per i collezionisti presenti: prezzo base a 10.000 euro con ribassi a scendere. Non è pervenuta alcuna offerta. L’installazione sarà quindi riproposta.
Sul libro dei presenti sono rimaste le seguenti firme: Luca, Claudia, Orfeo, Enrico, Silvia, Giulio, Candida, Teo, Patrizia e Bassi.
The Red Tent Pavillion was opened at 1 p.m. with great expectations. Selected works by important artists attracted a lot of people from all that wild beach.
Organization was very compelling, the Vernissage included a rich buffet with sophisticated and gourmet meals too. We have tasted rice salat, wurstel with cabbage, fresh fruits, Parma ham with melon, a sweet tart, chips and Puff. Natural water and cold beer to drink.
Figurative art is come back in this year. Also four rolls of Scotch can appear as a human body if you first unroll them and then look at the Scoth through Summer light. Or they can suggest us an act made by a human, or an erotic game someone played to remember the poor David.
Behind Mister O. come a tableaux vivants after the other continuously.
They revisited great figurative works of Art history.
Mr. Guerra performed futurist dynamism very well (see picture above).
The expressionist shout by Lady Patty was terrific (see picture above).
A perfect replication of Giambologna’s Hermes made by Madame Kitty (see picture above).
Mister O. was auctioned, but none of the collectionists made an offer even the auction rules were very convenient. Start price was 10.000 euros, but they could reduce the bids as they prefer.
So Mister O. will come back again to the beach.
On the record book it’s possible to see the following signs: Mrs. and Mr. War, Mr. Orpheus, Herr Ulrich, Milady Silvy, Sir Giuliosky, Madame Candy, Lord Matthew, Miss Patty and Mr. Bassi too.
Translation by Henry